Lyrics Author: 

Ey Allahım Ey Allah

Ey Allahım Ey Allah, Senden gayri yok ilah,
Günahlarım affeyle, ey rahmeti bol Allah,

Ya Allah, Hu Allah, ey rahmeti bol Allah (nakarat)

Kullar Senin kulların, günahı çok şunların,
Rabbi Sensin onların, ey rahmeti bol Allah,

Ben müflisim ey Gani, nedir derdin dermanı,
Ver Aşk-ı Muhammedî, ey Rahmeti bol Allah,

Muhibbi’yi affeyle, büyük günahlariyle
Aşkı nakşet gönlüne, ey Rahmeti bol Allah.

Oh my Allah, Oh Allah

Oh Allah, Oh Allah, There is no God other than you.
Forgive my sins, Oh Allah, the Most Compassionate.

Ya Allah, Hu Allah, Oh Allah, the Most Compassionate (Repeat)

The servants are Your servants; and their sins are many.
You are their Lord, Oh Allah, the Most Compassionate.

I am bankrupt Oh the Generous One; what is the remedy for grief?
Give us the love of Muhammed, Oh Allah, the Most Compassionate.

Forgive Muhibbi with his great sins.
Embroider love to his heart, Oh Allah, the Most Compassionate.